Mechanical Testing

SANAS accredited for Tensile testing of materials.

The laboratory has three tensile machines

  • \1000 Newton
  • \100 Kilonewton (10 ton)
  • \600 Kilonewton (60 ton)
The testing of metallic samples is done in accordance with SANS 6892-1: 2010 ISO 6892-1:2009 and ASTM E8. We have the capability of testing wire, flat and round tensile test pieces as well as tube / pipe samples to a maximum outside diameter of 38mm. The 1000 Newton instrument allows for the testing of certain rubbers, plastics and the more delicate materials. A highly experienced machine shop is used to prepare sample test pieces to precision dimensions as required.
The Charpy Impact tester is calibrated and testing is in accordance with both the SANS 0148-1:2007 and the British specification BS EN 10045-1. The laboratory has a Galileo Hardness Tester for testing to the Rockwell scales, with Standard Testing Blocks for both the ‘B’ and ‘C’ Scales and a Vickers Hardness Tester. We also have the capability of doing rubber hardness testing to International Rubber Hardness Degrees as well as Shore A and D.