Other Laboratory Capabilities

The following is a list of the most common tests performed by the laboratory. Should you require any information regarding one of these tests or would like to enquire about any other test that does not appear on this list, please contact us.

Chemical analysis and related Testing
Acid Demand of Foundry sand
Aluminium Metallic and Oxide in Slag
Carbon and Sulphur by Combustion
Chlorides – Water Soluble
Coal, Coke (C, H, N, S)
Coal, Coke (Calorific analysis)
Coal, Coke (Proximate analysis)
Copper High Purity
Density (Powders and Resin)
Density (Solids)
Density Hydrometer
Deposit weight density
Ferro Alloy Analysis
Flux Analysis
Flux Content of solders
Flux Solubility test of solders
Flux Spreading Test of solders
Formaldehyde in Resin / Catalyst
Gold Assay
Hexavalent Chromium
Hydrogen in Metal by Combustion
Iron ore (Fe; Fe2+; Fe3+)
Nitrogen / Oxygen (Resin or Sand)
Nitrogen in Metal by Combustion
Oxygen in Metal by Combustion
Percentage Chrome in Si/Cr Sand
Picking bath Free Acid
Redox Potential
RoHS / SOC Testing (Toxic element)
Sodium in Sulphuric Acid
Soil Analysis
Spectrographic analysis (Fe, Ni, Cu, Al Zn)
Sulphur Reducing Bacteria
Water Analysis Langlier & Elemental
Water Analysis Langlier Index
Water Content of Oils, Paints, etc
Wet Chemical Analysis of Metals
Wet Chemical analysis of Oxide Samples
XRF analysis
Zinc Coating Mass (g/m2)
Zinc Metallics in zinc oxide

Corrosion Testing
ASTM Practice “E”
Corrodkote Test
Corrosion Testing / Salt spray testing
Dezincification of Brass (ISO 6509)
Electronic Testing
Conductivity of liquids
Conductivity on Copper
Delta Ferrite
Gel time for Resin
Loss on Heating @ 200deg
Loss on Ignition (up to 1100deg)
Polymer Identification (FTIR)
Viscosity in Resin / Catalyst
Mechanical Testing
Annealing of Plastics
Bend Test
Charpy Impact Test
Charpy Impact Test at Specific Temperature
Coating Thickness – Eddy Current
Compression test
Graphite and Hardness on CI
Hardness, Macro (HR, HB and BHN)
Hardness, Micro (Vickers Hardness)
Particle Size Analysis <35µm
Plastic Mechanical Testing
Roughness Test
Sag test of plastics
Sieve Test (0.36mm to 20mm)
Stress Test on Plastics
Tensile Test up to 600kN
Weld plate testing
X Ray examination
Metallurgical Evaluation
Metrology of components